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Image Guardian FAQ & Troubleshooting

Q: How to purchase Image Guardian?
A: You can't purchase the Image Guardian standalone, it's an add-on to HTML Guardian.

protect images

 on your website, you have to purchase HTML Guardian Enterprise Edition.
In HTML Guardian Personal and Professional Editions, the Image Guardian functionality is limited.

Q: My images are not protected. What's the problem?
A: First make sure that the Image Guardian is enabled. Read carefully about the Image Guardian limitations.
Configure the Image Guardian to run in Safe Mode.
Image Guardian will not protect images in the following cases:
- image is smaller than the defined minimum image size.
- you specified that this image should not be protected.
- image is not included in the html file with the <IMG...> tag .
- image is included in the html file with an absolute path, like <IMG src = "http://www.mydomain.com/mycat.jpg">.
- image is included in the html file with a relative path, but is not available at the specified location. If the image is included in the html file like <IMG src = "mycat.jpg"> but the mycat.jpg file is not available in the same folder where the html file is, it will of course remain unprotected.
- you are using HTML Guardian Personal Edition or HTML Guardian Professional Edition, where Image Guardian functionality is limited. Image Guardian is fully functional only in HTML Guardian Enterprise Edition.

If none of the above solves the problem, remove all empty spaces and special characters from image files names and from the names of the folders where the images reside. Let's see an example:
We have a .htm file in which we have included an image named my cat.gif, which resides in a subfolder named my pets.
So the IMG tag to display my cat.gif will look like

<IMG src='my pets/my cat.gif'>

Some HTML editors transform the empty spaces and special characters, so in some cases the tag may look like

<IMG src='my%20pets/my%20cat.gif'>
(the empty space is transformed to %20)

If this is the case, rename the folder my pets to my_pets or mypets
Rename the file my cat.gif to my_cat.gif or mycat.gif
Update the html source so that the IMG tag points to the renamed file:
<IMG src='my_pets/my_cat.gif'>

Make sure the src attributes of all IMG tags do not contain empty spaces or special characters. We recommend to use only English letters (A-Z,a-z), numbers (0-9) and underscores ( _ ) for file and folder names.

Q: I have the same image included in many files. If I use the random names option, will Image Guardian split this image into different pieces each time?
A: No. Image Guardian remembers the images protected in the current session, it will not generate new image pieces for an image that was already protected in the current session (after HTML Guardian was started) - it will use the existing, already generated pieces and the same encrypted code to display the protected images. But if you use the same image in let's say two files, you encrypt the first file, then you restart HTML Guardian and encrypt the second file, Image Guardian will generate new image pieces.
That's why it's recommended to encrypt all files of your site at once - this way you will avoid protecting some image several times. This is an important thing to consider when you protect images of your website.

Q: Sometimes the page layout changes and some page elements are transposed after I protect the images. Why is that and how to avoid it?
A: This could happen sometimes if you have two or more images next to one another like this:

protect imagesprotected image

or an image with a text next to it, like this:

web site image protection This is some text next to the image

In most cases this can be fixed if you check "Enable smart detection" box.
Note that smart detection may remove empty spaces around the IMG tags. If this causes undesired changes in the page layout, replace empty spaces with a non-breaking space ( &nbsp; )
Like this: change <IMG src = 'cat.jpg'> This is my cat!   to  <IMG src = 'cat.jpg'>&nbsp;This is my cat!
If the results are not satisfactory, disable smart detection and follow the instructions below.

If the page layout changes ( in most cases the page element that is next to the image will go underneath the image after the image is protected ), you should put the page elements that you want to appear horizontally next to one another in a table. For the first example with the two images, the html code that displays them will normally look like:

<img src="dino.jpg"><img src="autumn.jpg">

If you put those two images inside a table, the code to display them should look like

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src="dino.jpg"></td>
<td><img src="autumn.jpg"></td>

If you put the images to be protected inside a table ( which is a good practice anyway ), the page layout will not change and the page elements will not be transposed after you protect images on your site.

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